Placeboard – Organize your Favorite Places

Placeboard is one of its kind iPhone application which allows you to keep track and organize all your favorite places. If you are someone who loves going out with friends and family but find it hard to keep track of all the places you have visited and would like to visit, then this application can help you here.

Placeboard appPlaceholder is a very simple application to use with a very simple and minimal user interface. If you are someone who is into minimalistic UI and loves it, then you should try placeholder because apart from its functionalities, this application’s user interface will also impress you. The color combination of the application is quite soothing. White Background with mint green on it appears pleasing to the eyes. Not just the color combination, even the typography and icons are very simple and to the point.

This application does not rely on lists and folders too much. In fact, this application uses tags to organize everything. This keeps everything organized and makes it easy to find your favorite places. One interesting feature about this application is that it allows you to collaborate with your friend and family members to setup a personalized list of some MUST visit places. This feature comes in handy when you are planning your vacations.

When you open the app it will show you an empty screen. This is because you have either opened it for the first time, or you have not added item yet. To add an item just tap on the “plus” icon in the top right corner. It will now give you three options; Place, tag or list. When you add any place in the Placeholder, it will give you the option to find more details about the place like location, address, number and much more. You can also review the place.

While dealing with tags, application will allow you to add as many tags as you want. You can also assign different colors to different tags. Now one smart feature which we loved about the application is that once you have assigned a particular color to some tag, then it will not show that color anymore.

So, you can organize all your places either by using tags or lists. All in all, it is a perfect application to organize the places you love. And interestingly we loved every single thing about this app!